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Why are Today’s Christians More Afraid of Death?
Are we more afraid of death? Or does it just seem that way? Has our attitude changed over time? How did past centuries deal with the reality of death? Average life expectancy today is 77, yet, even though, 300 years ago, it was 20+ years lower* there was a very different attitude of acceptance.
Scary Language
We seldom hear anyone today say, “He died,” or “She is dead.” Rather we seem to prefer the gentler, softer, “He passed away.” Or “He has gone to heaven/his reward, etc., blah, blah.” We play make-believe.
Confused about Life
Today in America, mental illness, especially depression is at an all-time high, while lived Christianity is at an all-time low. We are living in a culture of death that kills thousands of babies every week, yet we mourn the passing of the latest beached whale or cute little monkey.
Just one glance at TV ads confirms we are ravenous for eternal youth. We must slow the aging process at all cost. We have anti-aging cremes to rub on the skin. And pills, pilates, yoga, fasting diets, multivitamins, fitness programs and of course thousands of public Gyms. Youth rules.
Obsession over Death.
We live in a country where the slightest sniffle or one-degree fever sends folks to the doctor or the emergency room. A single recent case of the EEE Virus in the entire U.S. has occupied dozens of TV ‘news’ hours and a warning from government and international agencies.
And then we have the “existential threat of global warming/climate change.” Not to mention, Russia’s nukes, tsunamis, hurricanes, pandemics, tornadoes, floods, droughts, etc. Worried yet?
And, looking over our shoulder, the World Economic Forum proposes to reduce the world population to about 500 million.
Putting it bluntly, many so-called Christians seem to be deathly afraid of dying (pun intended).
Science: Please make us Immortal!
Meanwhile many elites are putting millions of dollars into eternal life research, called, “trans-humanism.” You will live forever in a robotic body. No joke.
Whatever happened to our faith in God?
What did Jesus say 2000 years ago?
Matthew 10:28: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
John 11:25-26: "Jesus said to her [Martha], 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'"
John 14:1-3: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?"
Revelation 1:18: "… I hold the keys of death and Hades.'"
What was the European cultural attitude 300 years ago?
For a hint of insight, listen to this beautiful YouTube Recording of Johan Sebastian Bach’s acclaimed 1735 chorale, Come Sweet Death (Komm süsser Tod) (Click Here) ** (Notice Bach’s discordant coda, and its final resolution.) Imagine these words being accepted by today’s culture:
English lyrics:
Come sweet death,
Come soothing rest,
Come and lead me homeward.
I am weary of life and longing.
Come, I am waiting for thee.
Come now and set me free.
My eyes at last are gently closing now.
Come blessed rest.
* Infant mortality excepted.
** The Sophia Youth Choir, from Kiev, Ukraine. 2017 competition at the Tolosa Choir Competition in Toulouse, Spain (Basque Country)
Note Correction from last Wednesday’s reference: Ut Unum Sint, not the hastily typed Un Unum Sint.
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” to this e-mail and your name will be removed from our list.
Protestants, Catholics and Jews Built America *
>>> Devout Protestants created our Republic which has lasted almost 250 years. Spiritually, they continue to challenge non-Biblical Americans to think more deeply.
>>> Devout Catholics created the University system, built 600 American Hospitals and established a social justice system like none other in the world.
>>> Practicing Jews built many of our charitable institutions and are happily ‘over-represented’ in the sciences, business, the arts and the Nobel Prizes.
*** Was America ever a ‘Judeo-Christian’-values society? **
*** Do we still have any common societal values?
*** Where are our new ‘challenges’ coming from?
*** Are your children being taught any of this in school?
*** Why should you care?
* Ut Unum Sint – Apostolic Letter from Pope John Paul II is worth reading (click Here) in both a spiritual and societal context. Also, consider St. Paul’s elegant words in 1 Corinthians 12:4-26, et. seq. as he explains the different gifts of each of us, when working together, make us a whole and complete body.
** God in the Constitution – A fascinating video by Historian David Barton of Wallbuilders. Click Here to see a YouTube video which reveals the scriptural origins and sources in our founding document and historical accounts of the intense prayers of our founders to overcome initial problems and disagreements.
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” to this e-mail and your name will be removed from our list.
Our society is being brought to its knees by forces previously unheard of. Everything our children and our families need to survive, grow and thrive is currently under attack.
The Catechism teaches it is “morally obligatory … to exercise the right to vote …”
Studies show that many Catholic voters do not believe or follow teachings of the Church regarding such things as abortion, contraception, transgender alteration and gay marriage.
All the important issues we will soon vote on are discussed in the secular, corporate-controlled media, in the bar and on the golf course (18th hole, perhaps).
But not in our Church!
Serious current issues need moral guidance if we are to make informed, holy voting decisions. But where will that moral guidance come from if not from within the church?
Oh, we get information and carefully crafted letters and monologues from the Diocese, but in most parishes, there is essentially no dialogue at the local level. The result is that no minds change and we lose the chance to bring Christian moral teaching into the person-to-person conversation. Why?
It Looks Like Fear
>>> Priests fear disruption and its consequences.
>>> The Catholic Church fears losing its tax exemption.
>>> The Cathedraticum (% of collections to the Diocese) will fall if offended parishioners stop giving.
>>> Lay members fear personal rejection.
Priestly Fear:
When abortion, contraception, transgender alteration or gay marriage are preached from the pulpit there is the possibility of an angry reaction. I have personally witnessed two churches where parishioners walked out of Mass during a homily which touched on abortion.
But the real zinger is when these ‘offended’ ones decide to write letters of complaint to the Archdiocese. As if our few and dwindling number of priests are not busy enough, now they must spend days interacting with the Chancery. Is it any wonder when priests take the ‘easy’ way?
Loss of Tax Exemption:
U.S. Tax Code Section 501(c)3 forbids any church or charitable organization to take political sides at risk of losing their tax exemption. Yet the so-called Johnson Amendment which states this requirement has never been enforced.
There are several ways to stay within the law and still discuss politics and morality in the context of Church teaching. Creative men and women working together can make it happen.
Loss of Revenue:
Each diocese, as does each parish, has expenses – bills to be paid. That is a real concern and one that many of us would like to see handled in a more business-like manner. Enough said.
Fear of Personal Rejection:
Author Jennifer Fulwiler has said it best, “In an age in which preference has replaced morality, many people find it difficult to speak the truth, afraid of the reactions they will receive if they say something right or wrong.”
Sometimes acknowledging cause of a problem leads to a more effective action.
*** Is there more to this issue?
*** Do we care enough to get involved?
*** What would Jesus have us do?
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” to this e-mail and your name will be removed from our list.
What Would Jesus Do?
Everyone seems to agree that there is a lot of evil in our world. But not everyone is sure how the Christian Church should help us deal with it.
In a recent conversation among a group of friends one woman fervently stated, “There is enough division in our country now. Can we keep [discussion of it] out of our dear little church”?
I hear repeatedly that we should not talk about politics and religion in the same breath. But, other than prayer, the alternative seems to leave any effective confrontation or remedy to non-Christians.
WDJD – What Did Jesus Do?
So I wondered about Jesus’ time. Were there any discussions of ‘politics’? Were there any political parties? Historians generally agree that the answer is, “yes.”
There were five political parties in Jesus’ day: the Sadducees, Pharisees, Herodians, Zealots and the Essenes.
The Essenes were a separatist group, much like today’s Jehovah’s Witnesses, who denied the rule of the Temple and rejected all politics and interests of any other ruling class.
Jesus opposed the way the Sadducees and Pharisees led the people and he called them hypocrites, whitewashed cups and tombs and much more in about 17 different places in Scripture.
He only indirectly addressed the Herodians (Mark 12:17) but it was they who eventually scourged and crucified him.
Although his disciple Simon was a member of the violent Zealot group, Jesus criticized that party’s violence.
*** So, what would Jesus do about today’s rampant leadership evil?
*** Would he ignore it, would he talk about it, or give guidance?
*** Or would he simply tell everyone to go and pray more fervently?
*** Do you believe our Church has any role to instruct us in how to confront these horrible new evils in the public forum?
Remember that once-popular bracelet, inscribed with “WWJD”? Where did they all go? Next week we may address the reticence and fears of our American church, partly rooted in the so-called “Johnson Amendment.”
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” to this e-mail and your name will be removed from our list.
*** Why did God create Hell? If someone can GO to Hell, where is it?
If your child or grandchild just asked you that question,
*** What will you tell them? Is it what the Church teaches?
Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church, (Click Here: CCC 1033-1034)
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” to this e-mail and your name will be removed from our list.
How Do You Answer This One?
Someone you deeply care about has said they are leaving the Catholic Church. They told you about some rumor, scandal, or alleged heresy and that for them is the last straw. They have had it and are Finished! Period! End of conversation!
*** How might you address their concern? Could you guide them?
First off, denying their ‘information’, their ‘facts’ is usually the most ineffective thing we can do. Don’t deny their story; tell them about something far better.
Whether their concern is about alleged or proven sexual abuse, Vatican corruption, Papal heresies, or local parish problems, confrontation seldom works. And proletarian ‘theology’ lectures may only solidify their negative decision.
But is it really about ‘facts’ or is it deeper?
Studies show the most common reason people leave is because they feel alone in their parish. It starts with our all-too-busy priests who may not have time for them.
But more often it’s about us – the laity – chumming up with our friends, while ignoring those who are less familiar – the reticent parishioner, the new one, the shy one and the stranger.
Often the final nail in the coffin is news of the ‘next’ alleged horrible clerical or episcopal misdoing. Then they decide the Church is toxic. That same Church that didn’t welcome them (and may never have properly catechized them).
Two things to do:
Solving the first problem is easy. Jesus said, “Welcome the stranger.” (Matthew 5:47; 10:40). That’s called Love of Neighbor.
The second situation needs our love, plus our brain; our mind. And a bit of personal commitment. There are two parts:
Here we separate the people problem from the eternal plan.
1) The people problem is from weak, stumbling, sinful mankind. Popes, bishops, priests, deacons, religious and the laity – all of us – are weak, sinful people.
2) The eternal plan of salvation is from Jesus and that is permanent and impossible for any sinful man to change.
Help them understand: the Catholic Church is a beautiful perennial flower that grows everywhere (L: catholicicus). True, it can be found in parishes and cathedrals. But its truth, goodness and beauty grows most fervently in the hearts of the faithful. And like a perennial flower, even if it seems to die in one place or another, the roots are very alive and cannot be killed. Bad weather, evil times, apostasies, heresies – are no match for its eternal endurance.
Question of the Month:
Almost every parish has a bereavement group for the beloved dead. Why are there no such groups for those whose loved ones have ‘died’ to the one true Faith?
Contact us if you are interested in starting one.
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” to this e-mail and your name will be removed from our list.
Why Is There So Much More Sickness and Suffering Lately?
More and more people now agree that our country and our society are falling apart – everywhere and in everything. Protestants and many Catholics are talking about the “end times.” This may not be a Ghengis Khan replay but it’s bad.
Today I’d like to address one issue of growing concern: medical problems – health issues.
Too many of our families and our friends and neighbors are suffering greatly. This is an increasing concern.
*** Question: Is there a role for the Church in a national discussion about causes and remedies?
Some people tell me, adamantly, that we only need encouragement to pray more intently and leave any societal remediation to our government and the secular society. But Sacred Scripture and Tradition advises us otherwise.
So let’s ponder on a few real examples of suffering:
*** Why do 40% of 18-yr-olds have a mental health diagnosis?
*** Why are one out of every 36 children born with AUTISM?
Yet, only a few years ago in 2000 (same tests and specs were used), it was only one out of every 1,500 births?
*** Why are 50% of Americans pre-diabetic or diabetic?
*** Why are 74% of Americans now overweight or obese?
*** Why do 18% of teens have fatty liver disease?
*** Why are 25% of American Women on antidepressants?
Two young professionals were recently interviewed by Tucker Carlson. They make a good case for addictive, processed food that is literally destroying our cellular metabolism – poisoning us. And they point to a kind of pharmaceutical tyranny that has disrupted the entire practice of medicine.
Dr. Calley Means is a surgeon who graduated at the top of her Stanford U. class. Her brother, Casey Means, MBA Harvard, works in Washington, DC as a lobbyist.
Their testimony is edifying and riveting. I recommend viewing at least the first 12 minutes.
On YouTube at:
Let me know if you think the Church has any role to play in this or should it continue to remain silent. Is this a ‘social justice’ concern?
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” and your name will be removed from our list.
We will soon be asked to vote for the radical Equal Rights Amendment to the NY State Constitution. Proposition One on the Nov. 5th ballot will add only a few words to Article One. But those few words will give NY Legislators carte blanche to pass new, constitutionally protected Woke/Evil/Satanic laws.
*** Why should devout Christians care?
*** Where are our Church leaders – Bishops and Cardinal – on this??
It’s getting late. Early mail-in absentee voting begins in only three weeks.
Many say this will further damage our families, corrupt our children and erode more of the civil culture we once had.
*** So what laws might we be concerned about?
The dominant political Left has long promoted radical changes in our school curricula (rewritten history, sex education, LGBTQ ‘freedoms’, transgender mutilation, etc.). And of course they want males in female sports, non-citizen voting, senior taxation changes, regulated speech and divisive social behavior, among others.
For those of us who haven’t seen how these evil issues have already begun in other state legislatures I suggest turning off our corrupt TVs, the biased Google search, and our woke newsprint and digging deeply for a wider truth.
Many of us are praying that our Cardinal and episcopate will make a strong stand against Proposition One. And do it soon and not only with another letter to be read at Mass. Perhaps a few TV ads?
Many Catholics are reluctant to correct or advise priests and prelates on matters which pertain to the good of the Church. But Canon Law 212.3 specifically says it can be our DUTY to do so, but with reverence and courtesy.
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” and your name will be removed from our list.
A Parable:
There is the parable of the musician who has a nightmare in which music is taught to children by rote memorization of sheet music and formal rules for manipulating notes.
In the nightmare, students never actually listen to music until advanced college classes or graduate school. *
Some say that’s how we teach much religious ed./CCD.
We ask kids to focus on left-brained answer-seeking so they can ‘graduate’, rather than why such and such IS the answer – and why they should be interested in diving deeper on their own, far beyond graduation.
Question of the Day:
*** Where are many (most) of our Confirmation graduates on a typical Sunday morning?
*** Why do we not see them at Mass?
* (Credit: Andy Kiersz,, Oct. 21, 2014)
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” and your name will be removed from our list.
1) Matthew 28:20 Says we are to proclaim the Gospel everywhere we go.
2) At the end of Mass the deacon may say, “Go and proclaim the Gospel.”
3) Catechism CCC 1285 instructs that we, the confirmed baptized are, “strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.” These are requirements of the LAITY.
(St. Francis supposedly said, “Preach the Gospel always and if necessary, use words.” Unfortunately, Church historians say there is NO EVIDENCE he ever said that and simple reason easily discredits it.)
*** Where are you most comfortable proclaiming the Gospel by your word and witness?
*** Most of our fellow parishioners are unprepared. What can we do to rectify that?
***Can we simply ignore this obligation because we are unprepared, afraid, embarrassed, too busy, etc.?
Question of the Day is a weekly offering from Joseph’s Workshop. If you would like to unsubscribe, please reply “No thanks” and your name will be removed from our list.
Without using memorized clichés, how do we convincingly teach a seven-year-old child why Jesus died on a cross for him. And tell it in a manner that he will still revere when he is 17. And will remember and deeply comprehend when he is 33?
Our children are being inundated by an unprecedented culture of pure evil. Our Church proclaims that parents must be the first in line to catechize their children (CIC 777 & 974) and many are desperate to lead their children to moral and holy lives.
We have the evils of drag queens, drugs and suicides, morning after pills, transgenderism, shacking up, pornography, BFF ghosting, terrorism, school violence, and many, many more.
Why does our Church remain silent on these issues?
Why must parents turn to secular sources for “moral” guidance?
Why is there little or no cogent support from the Church?
Is there a better way? What? Who? When?
Many of our youth erroneously believe science contradicts the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence; and sadly, surveys reveal only 33 % of church-going Catholics believe it.
*** Isn’t it time to change the way we do catechesis?
*** And for adults –parents and godparents – as well?
Which one would God want me to become:
*** A well-spoken teacher in a spotlight?
*** A "small candle in a dark room?"
*** Neither of the above; but in prayer night and day?
Cf., Matthew 28:20, Matthew 5:16, Matthew 7:21
Which of the following is on call 24/7/365, is the lowest paid, the most taken for granted, works free of charge, and gets the most flack when they proclaim something a few of us deem bothersome:
*** Lawyer? *** Doctor? *** Teacher?
*** College professor? *** Priest? *** Other?…
… and prays for your family's 'success'?
Crowdstrike – One bad line of their computer code almost took down the entire world.
Christian Parents – Which one line of Sacred Scripture can we instill in our children that can inspire them to save a world of lost souls?
*** When a flower garden blooms poorly, we improve the environment in which it grows.
*** When a whole generation of Catholic-born, post-confirmation children don’t bloom in the Faith, what then shall we do?
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